Managed IT services


Why choose RSM for managed IT services?

虽然管理IT服务(MITS)多年来一直是企业的主要业务, 和 the benefits of outsourcing are acknowledged, 在无数的托管服务提供商(msp)之间进行导航可能令人望而生畏. 在众多地方性、区域性、全国性和全球性公司中,RSM脱颖而出的原因如下.

The advantages of managed IT services with RSM

Our client engagement teams, 从服务台到专门的客户技术顾问, are aligned by industry. 对特定Industries技术框架的深入了解确保了我们始终如一地提供最佳实践.

CRN MSP 500 2024
CRN Fast Growth 150 2023
CRN Solution Provider 500 2023

What managed IT services does RSM offer?

Engage with us at any stage of your journey

无论您是刚接触IT外包还是想从现有的MSP中寻求改变,我们的 Rapid Assessment 提供对现有IT操作的全面差距分析. 与RSM团队合作,制定符合您业务需求的定制路径.

Considering a formal MSP selection? Reach out to us directly, 我们会安排一个简短的讨论来确定RSM是否合适. 此外,我们的 CIO advisory services 是否随时指导您的组织完成提案请求流程, vendor selection documentation 和 evaluations.

Resources to evaluate managed IT services

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